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peacock 04-14-2012 03:34 PM

General Terms
Luang Pi - younger Monk
Luang Phor - monk generally above 40years of age
Luang Phu - monk generally abover 60years of age
Dhamboon Phapah - A merit making by donation gathered from people
Singharaj - Lion King
Ngern - Money
Kon - Bottom
Toong - Bag
Bode - The main hall where the major Buddha statue located
Roi Pee - 100 years
Yant - Holy script or verse mostly in Kom (ancient Khmer)
Somboon - Abundance, prolificness, complete
Sapya - Wealth, treasures, assets.
Niyohm - Popular
Choklap - Getting more money, property, riches etc.

Phim toh - Fat & short mould
Phim jew - Mini mould
Phim lek - Small mould
Phim glaang - Medium mould
Phim yai - Big mould
Rian - Medal or medallion amulet
Roop or Roop Muan - A small image by casting, carving, or sculpturing
Phim na yai - Big-face phim
Phim na lek - Small-face phim
Pump - Machine pumped
Tae Thong - Pour Mould (molten metal poured into a mould)
Lor Boran - Old style of mould pouring
Hoo Cheam - Welded ring
Than - Seat (usually referring to seats of Roop Lor)
Roon reak - First block or batch
Roon sutai - Last block or batch
Takrut yao - Long takrut
Nua lueng - Yellow content
Warn dok thong - Fascinated herb
Pratab - Sitting
Smadhi (posture) - A posture of Buddha
Kleebbua - Lotus petal ( shape of the above amulet )
Sok - A measurement of around 30 cm (height )
Niu - A measurement of around 1 inch ( height )
Phra Smadhi baipho - Buddha Smadhi, Bodhi - shaped amulet
Bai pho - Bodhi leaf
Phra phong - Holy powder amulets
Lang yant - Yant back

Loha - Alloy
Thong Kam - Gold
Thong Ngern - Silver
Thong Daeng - Copper
Thong Leaung - Brass
Samlit - Bronze
Takua - Lead
Mekaphat - A type of alloy
Mekhasit - Mercury
Kanlonghin - A type of alloy
Lek Lai - A legendary metal with magical properties
Phong - powder based

Maha larp - Great fortune
Maha phokhasap - Great wealth
Maha amnaj - Great charismatic power feared by others, being in authority
Maha metta - To be greatly loved by others all around
Maha saneh - Opposite sex attractiveness
Metta maha niyom - Effect of loving-kindness
Kong kra phan chatri - Invincibility
Kanphai - Protection for safety
Klaew klaad - Free from all harms
Buddhakom - Buddhistic magics
Visha - Knowledge
Maha - Great

Old : Gao, Gae
Young : Noom
Young Person/Child : Dek/Noo
New: Mai
Pair: Koo
Dozen : Lo Kru
Pagoda Knife : Meed
Tray : Thard
Half : Krueng
Jewel/Gemstone : Pet Ploy, Pet
Oil : Num Mun
Hair : Pom, khon
Bone : GraDoog
Tooth : Fun

Tiger : Ser
Elephant : Charng
Pig : Moo
Dog : Mar
Cat : Maw
Goat : Paeh
Crocodile : Jor Ra Khe
Rat : Noo
Snake : ngoo
Buffalo : Kwai
Chicken : Gai
Fish : Plaa

Red : Se Daeng
White : Se Kharw
Black : Se Dum
Blue : Se Num Ngern
Green : Se Keow
Grey : Se Thao
Brown : Se Num Tao
Yellow : Se Lueng

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