Thread: LP Thuad
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Old 04-16-2012, 03:35 AM
peacock peacock is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 176

In the later part of Luang Pu Thaud's life, he mostly dedicated his time in spreading Buddhism across the Thai Kingdom and went as far as to the Malay Peninsula according to some historical sources. After LP Thuad passed away, he manifested in the dreams of his disciples. They then started to make amulets of his image. The most famous amulet image of Phra LP Thuad was made in B.E.2497 by Ajahn Tim of Wat Changhai. Wat Changhai is well known largely associated with its past temple abbot Archan Tim whom created the highly popular batch known B.E.2497 models.

Apart from Ajahn Tim of Wat Changhai whom is famous for making LP Thuad amulet image, another notable monk equally famous in making LP Thuad amulet is Ajahn Nong from Wat Saikow in Pattani, Songkhla. Ajahn Nong and Ajahn Tim are friends in their lifetime. Ajahn Nong and Ajahn Tim were ordained on the same day, and naturally were good friends often helping each other on various missions, including an occasion in B.E.2497 when they both co-created the Luang Phor Thuad Pranuewahn amulets.

Both teachers had since passed away and the legacy that they left behind is their teaching of our Lord Buddha and the Phra LP Thuad amulets they consecrated out of compassion for all lay devotees like us. These amulets are now very rare and expensive, well beyond the budget of the average collectors. Fortunately there are many LP Thuad votive tablets that still falls within the means of most collectors.

Ajahn Tim was born on the 21st day of the 8th month B.E.2455 (A.D.1912) in Pattani Province. The monastical name of Ajahn Tim is Phra Timthammatalo. He was ordained at Wat Napradu in B.E.2476 and his preceptor during the ordination was Phra Ku Phibunsommanawat. On the 15th day of the 7th month in B.E.2484, Ajahn Tim became Wat Chang Hai's 5th chief monk in 1941 during the Second World War. He was a very compassionate monk during those time of perils and he was much loved by the people.

However, we must not disregard that other temples are also equivalently good in making Phra LP Thuad images.
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