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Old 04-11-2012, 06:29 PM
peacock peacock is offline
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Default Khun Paen

Khun Paen

Khun Paen was born in Suphanburi province and lived between 1491-1529, spending most of his time in Kanchanaburi province where he was an apprentice of a monk named Acharn Kong who was an expert in magic.

Legend tells that Khun Paen became very adept at making magic himself and was able to make himself unseen to enemies and turn the leaves of trees into stinging wasps to attack enemies as well. Such feats led to the King appointing him to the rank of "Khun" and a military officer.

Khun Paen was reputed to also be very handsome and with multiple wives. He reputedly used his magic to create a ghost child named Kumon Tong and amulets with the image of the ghost child are believed to protect the bearer from danger and encourage prosperity.

Other Khun Paen Buddha amulets are believed to magically help with one?s love life. Khun Paen amulets have been made by famous monks throughout the ages and are highly prized by devout Thai amulet collectors.
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Old 04-15-2012, 04:03 AM
peacock peacock is offline
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Legend of Khun Paen - The Warlord

"Courage creates a Hero, Destroyed by Passion, Through magic he becomes a legend"

Legendary Khun Paen lived between 1491-1529. He is the legendary Ayuthaya warrior living some 450 years ago. His name later became the name of a kind of votive tablets found at Wat Bankrang, Suphanburi Province, about a century ago. Khun paen was born in Suphanburi Province (some 70 km. northwest of Bangkok) but grew up in the close bordered Kanchanaburi Province, where the world wide well-known "Bridge over River Kwai" situated.

He was a disciple of Archan Kong, a magic-expert guru monk, for magical studies. By his skillful fighting, he was appointed by the king to be Khun or a high ranking military officer. His biography was far more extended and rather a story by poetic authors of the early Rattanakosin period.

The legendary hero was born in the central north district Suphanburi in a small village known as Baarn Krang during the era of Ayutthaya in B.E.2173 (A.D.1630). He is the Great General with enormous ability whom there is none comparable to him up to this date.

There are many Khun Paen amulets bearing his image mostly depicting him in meditation posture seated on a lotus throne covered by a rooftop and embroided pillar on each sides. Some images may also depict a Guman Thong 'baby ghost being' sleeping beneath him and his wives on each sides.

From stories told, one of his beautiful wife Nang Buakhi died while pregnant. The baby also died prematurely. Using his magical science knowledge in activating and controlling spirits, Khun Paen chanted for full 49 days and performed sacred rituals to make Guman Thong from the dead baby corpse so that he could command the spirit to do anything for him. After successfully bringing the dead corpse into life, its spirit is known as Guman Thong. After having Guman Thong to assist him in many of his pursuits in the battlefield, he won battle after battle and became famous more than ever.

Khun Paen died at the age of 75 in B.E.2249 (A.D.1705). After his death, his secrets with the Guman Thong and other spiritual occult sciences were revealed. In later years, a temple in Suphanburi known as Wat Baarn Krang was built in memory of the Great General Khun Paen and his faithful Guman Thong by the King of Suphanburi.

It is a common belief that Khun Paen votive tablets are associated with love and opposite sex attraction. If our mind don't think that Khun Paen is for love and attraction, then it will not manifest its properties for love and attraction. It is all in the mind.

Old Phra Khun Paen amulets from Wat Baarn Krang are the most sought-after. But if any Khun Paen votive tablet whether new or old could display some of the properties listed below, it is definitely a great collection no matter from which temple it may come from.

? Harm proof against any type of deadly weapons or "Kong Krapan"

? Ability to attract the opposite sex naturally or "Maha Saneh"

? Get to be liked, trusted, respected and admired by everyone

? Get to develop indestructible confidence and courage

? Easier to ask for favor and help

? Gain the ?upper hand? in business or career

? Successful in everything that your do

? Great luck and great charm

? Victories in all aspects of life

The properties of every Phra Khun Paen amulets will depend on the creator either it's for Protection, Metta Mahaniyom, Great Charisma or Maha Saneh.

Khun Paen did not produce amulets during his lifetime until his death in AD 1529. During the early Rattanakonsin period many authors and poets described his life story in many versions. That is the time when books, lyrics and poems of the legendary Khun Paen in Thai literature began. During this period Phra Khun Paen votive tablets were produced at Wat Baarn Krang.

After the finding of Phra Khun Paen amulets in the old Kru of Suphanburi just a century ago, the influence and fame of Khun Paen amulets spread all over Thailand and his legend continues till today as part of Thai literature.

From historical account Khun Paen votive tablets from Wat Baarn Krang was first made and most prized by every collectors. One may associate the making of powerful Khun Paen amulets and Takrut to great masters from the past and present whom followed the ancient texts in making these highly sought after holy objects. Of course there are also other famous ancient temples in Suphanburi and Ayutthaya that produces great Khun Paen talismans.
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Old 04-15-2012, 04:11 AM
peacock peacock is offline
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The Story of Khun Paen

Phlai Kaeo (who later is given the title, Khun Phaen), and Nang Phim Philalai (who later changes her name to Wanthong) are childhood friends in Suphanburi. Khun Phaen is handsome and intelligent, but poor because the king has executed his father and seized their property. He enters the monkhood as a novice to get educated, excelling at military skills and love magic.

He was a disciple of Archan Kong, a magic-expert guru monk, for magical studies.

Khun Chang is ugly and stupid, but rich and well-connected at the Ayutthaya court.
By age 15, Phim is the belle of Suphanburi. She meets Phlai Kaeo when putting food in his almsbowl at Songkran (Thai New Year). Sparks fly. They have a passionate affair, with him shuttling between the wat(Buddhist monastery) and her bedroom.

Khun Chang is also smitten by Wanthong. He competes for her using his wealth and status.
He offers to give her mother Phim's weight in gold. After Khun pean and Phim are married, Khun Chang maneuvers the king to send Phlai Kaeo on military service, and then claims he is dead. When Phlai Kaeo returns victorious, Khun Chang plots to have him banished from Ayutthaya for negligence on government service.

Phim (now Wanthong) resists Khun Chang. But when Phlai Kaeo (now Khun Phaen) returns from war with another wife, they have a jealous quarrel. Wanthong goes to live with Khun Chang, enjoying his devotion and the comforts afforded by his wealth.

When Khun Phaen's second wife, Laothong, is taken into the palace by the king, Khun Phaen regrets abandoning Wanthong. He breaks into Khun Chang's house at the dead of night and takes Wanthong away.

At first she is reluctant to leave her comfortable existence, but the passion rekindles, and they flee to an idyllic but frugal sojourn in the forest.

Khun Chang tells the king that Khun Phaen is mounting a rebellion. The king sends an army which Khun Phaen defeats, killing two of its officers. A warrant is issued for his arrest. When Wanthong becomes pregnant, Khun Phaen decides to leave the forest and give himself up. At the trial, the charges of rebellion are disproved, and Khun Chang is heavily fined.

Khun Phaen angers the king by asking for the release of Laothong. He is jailed, and festers in prison for around twelve years. Khun Chang abducts Wanthong and they again live together in Suphanburi.

Wanthong gives birth to Phlai Ngam, her son with Khun Phaen. When Phlai Ngam is eight, Khun Chang tries to kill him. Phlai Ngam escapes to live in Kanchanaburi with his grandmother who teaches him from Khun Phaen's library.

When the kings of Ayutthaya and Chiang mai quarrel over a beautiful daughter of the King of Vientiane, Phlai Ngam volunteers to lead an army to Chiang Mai, and successfully petitions for Khun Phaen's release. They capture the King of Chiang mai, and return with the Vientiane princess and a great haul of booty. Khun Phaen now gains status as the governor of Kanchanaburi . Phlai Ngam is appointed Phra Wai, an officer in the royal pages.

Khun Chang gets drunk at Phra Wai's wedding, and the old rivalry returns.
Phra Wai abducts Wanthong from Khun Chang's house, prompting Khun Chang to petition the king for redress.

At the subsequent trial, the king demands that Wanthong decide between Khun Chang and Khun Phaen. She cannot, and is dumb-struck. The king orders her execution. Phra Wai pleads successfully with the king for a reprieve, but the order arrives fractionally too late to avoid her execution.
(Source of story taken from Wikipedia)

The Magical power of Khun paen

Based on old legends, Khun Paen was handsome and very attractive to ladies.
Although, he had many wives, but still many ladies fell in love with him. Khun Paen had magical knowledge. He used magic to make himself invulnerable and unseen to enemies, to change the marching track of the enemies to become labyrinthine field, and to change leaves of the tree to become wasps to sting enemies etc.

Khun Paen is also a master in mantra or formulas with supernatural power.
They are used for such purposes as stunning enemies, transforming his body into other forms, opening locks and chains, putting everyone else to sleep, and converting sheaves of grass into invulnerable spirit warriors. Khun Phaen also uses love formulas to captivate women, and to allay the wrath of the king.

Khun Paen was also the first who created Guman Thong. He brought the dead baby from the womb of the dead Bua Klee, one of his wives, to the Temple outer area within the chanting hall where the Buddha image is placed. The Temple and its outer area are so sacred place that no mighty ghosts or spirits can enter. Based on the legend descriptions, Khun Paen was chanting some sacred mantras to invoke the spirit of Guman Thong while roasting the dead baby on the fire.

Guman Thong defended him against enemy spirits, act as spies, got for him money and transported him at speed.
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Old 04-16-2012, 03:48 AM
peacock peacock is offline
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Contemporary masters today whom are known to have great ability to create efficacious Phra Khun Paen amulets had been mesmerised by the spirit and valour of General Khun Paen. With a strong motivation and cultivation, these masters had learned the arcane sciences in creating these wonderful art of charming attraction for Khun Paen worshippers and amulet collectors to cherish.

Khun Paen died at the age 75 years old in B.E.2248 (A.D.1705) according to some historical records. After his passing away, his secrets with Kumanthong and other arcane sciences were revealed for the first time. Today?s Khun Paen and Kumanthong imaginaries and amulets are made using the same spells and incantation methods as in the past. As gratitude and great appreciation, The King of Suphanburi had ordered the construction of a temple to commemorate Khun Paen and Kumanthong for their heroic efforts and contributions to the country. The name of this temple is Wat BaarnKrang. It was said that during Khun Paen?s lifetime he never made any amulets until his passing away. All the ancient Phra Khun Paen amulets found beneath inside the old Chedis in Wat BarnKrang and other temples in Ayutthaya are thought to be made by monks in the early A.D.1700s. For over 300 years since that time until today there have been many remade batches using the sacred sciences.

Phra Khun Paen amulets are basically classified into 2 major types; the Mainstream Khun Paen and Plai Guman Khun Paen. The mainstream type is normally made with herbs, natural earth soils and incantation spells whereas the second type, are made using cemetery soils and possible inclusion of corpse materials. Hence, it is crucial to understand the background of the Phra Khun Paen so that you know what you are wearing.

Very often we do get question asking if Khun Paen amulet is suitable for members of the opposite sex to be used as talisman. The answer is absolutely yes. There is no restriction for women if they choose to wear Phra Khun Paen amulet as it works for both male and female as the essence of Khun Paen is about bringing out its charming ability to its owner apart from its protective power.

Plai Guman Khun Paen never do any harm to its owner but rather increases the good fortunes in the daily life of the worshipper. This is of course the owner of Plai Guman Khun Paen must share merits accrued after performing good deeds. Just like any other good amulets, involving in vice activities is never being encouraged. Creating bad karma will only create sufferings no matter how expensive or efficacious amulets you may have in hand.

Plai Guman Khun Paen amulets will usually be portrayed with a baby GumanThong lying at the bottom of Khun Paen. At times it can also be depicted by 2 little KumanThong at each side under the pillar with hands clasped revering Khun Paen. An example of this popular Plai Guman Khun Paen type in modern history was made by Luang Pu Tim of Wat Lahanrai dubbed ?King of Khun Paen? due to the sacred components comprising of unborn baby corpse powder known as Plai Guman and 7 cemetery soils. However, there are also other known masters whom have created Plai Guman Khun Paen using these ancient arcane knowledge.

In recent years we have noticed many Khun Paen amulets represented with certain forms of sexual elements e.g. consorts of Khun Paen, nude postures of females surrounding Khun Paen, etc. This type of Phra Khun Paen amulets are made for the sole purpose of generating Mahasaneh or opposite sex attraction for the worshipper. We categorized this particular amulet genre for the Casanovas. There're good and bad depending on individual. It may contain specific spells and different type of "Yin" or dark magic ingredients to uplift the cosmic energy to benefit the owner in achieving his desire for love and affection. This typical category of unothodox amulets is not dealt in this article as the main objective is to potray the original qualities of the ever popular contemporary Phra Khun Paen images.

A large majority of contemporary Mainstream Khun Paen usually do not have any GumanThong image being featured inside the sacred amulets. Even though the Mainstream Khun Paen may sometimes include GumanThong motives into the amulet design, it does not necessarily contain corpse materials. According to monks the reason behind to include the appearance of GumanThong into the design is to add extra power to the amulet.
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Old 04-16-2012, 03:50 AM
peacock peacock is offline
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In all forms of Khun Paen sacred images, he is been depicted by Lord Buddha's image in meditation posture sometimes sitting on top of a lotus throne flanked by 2 pillars on each side with an embroidered rooftop. When you are first being introduced to a Phra Khun Paen amulet, the first thing that may come into your mind is being popular with opposite sex and spending excessive money. This notion is not true. The image of Khun Paen is most appropriate for wearing when having a business negotiation with someone or business joint-venture. Having it will bring unexpected good results in addition to ushering in wealth for the owner, deciphering danger, and improve affinity with others through making difficult people to work with us.

"Su Nak Mo Lo" .... the heart of Khun Paen's katha
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Old 04-16-2012, 03:55 AM
peacock peacock is offline
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In recent years Phra Khun Paen amulets had evolved in accordance to changes in taste and lifestyles of worshippers and collectors. From observation, the motive behind the creation of this Khun Paen amulets featuring some daring images is mainly to distinguish that it is different from others especialy in potraying strong MahaSaneh (lethal opposite sex attraction). People always associate Khun Paen as the best Romeo with many wives and consorts.

This may be the key reason why this Casanova type of amulets were created for the Casanovas who have only 1 aim - to charm and attract the opposite sex. But this type of Phra Khun Paen amulet had created controversies in the Buddhist Council in Thailand. An example of this controversial piece is actually a beautiful piece of art. This batch was named "Coyote" the word defining ambient nightlife with plentiful of drinks, seductive women and good sex.

From a collector's point-of-view, there is nothing serious about this amulet. But imagine if a girl that you have been courting by using a casanova amulet were to accidentally see this explicit amulet hanging on your neck, the impression and personal reputation may be damaging. However, it is up to individual's taste in choosing what type of Phra Khun Paen to adore. We will not make any judgement whether it's right or wrong because the choice is in the mind of the beholder. Khun Paen after all is the most powerful charming taslisman ever created.
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