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Old 04-15-2012, 03:30 AM
peacock peacock is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 176
Default Kuman Thong

Kuman Tong (Thai: กุมารทอง) is an effigy, or statue or amulet which is revered in Thailand by Animists and Buddhists. The statue is believed to bring luck and fortune to the owner, if properly revered. Kuman, or Kumara (Pali) means "young boy" (young girl would be "Kumaree"), Tong means golden. Kuman Tong (alternatively spelled as Kumarn,or Kuman), is not a Buddhist practice, rather pure "Saiyasart" (Occultism, in this case, Necromancy).

Some Kuman effigies will be soaked in Nam Man Prai, which has extract of a dead child or a person who died in violent circumstances or an unnatural death. This is much less common now, because this practice is now illegal if using fat from human babies for the consecrating oil. Some years ago a famous monk was thrown out of the Buddhist Sangha for roasting a baby. He was convicted. This is strongly discouraged.

Nowadays, the material used in the making of Kuman thong usually include special herbs or plants extracts, cemetery soil, temple soil and other ingredients.

The history of this occult practice can only be found in Thailand and nowhere else in this world. We may wonder why would Thai monks make Guman Thong or the 'Golden Child' in the first place. The answer is purely out of compassion for the sufferings of these child beings lacking the condition to be reborn into the higher realms. Monks would help these pitiful child spirits by getting them a temporary body to reside e.g. Loop pendant or Bucha statue.

The main intention of having a Kuman thong is to perform good deeds so that the deceased can have a better rebirth, and while doing so, you accumulate merits and the deceased shall assist you in better wealth and luck.

Being a Guman Thong, they must try to earn enough merits to entangle their past evil karma by helping their owner in order to get a chance to be reborn again. All living beings have to go through "samsara" or sufferings including human beings like us do. Therefore, we must have the compassion to help liberate another suffering being. Hence, do not take for granted by adopting Guman Thong to love and then later abandoning them. This is not a 'Puppy Love' as these child beings deserved a second chance to be loved again.

Kuman thong is nothing to be scared about, as they are spirits waiting to be reborn but got stuck in the realm where they cannot be reborn. They are like children, love toys, love sweets, love to play. Treat them like your children, they will reward you handsomely. The owner must not only diligently offer daily food, clothing, and toys but should also frequently communicate with their Guman Thong. It is even more meritorious to let them hear Dhamma recitations and Buddhist chanting as this will help them in gaining wholesome thoughts and right understanding that will eventually liberate them from their sufferings. It is advisable to seriously think about your true motivation for adopting a Guman Thong home.

Take it also as a way to accumulate merit as having one keeps you focused in accumulate merits through doing good deeds, these merits are for you and the kuman thong.
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