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Old 04-15-2012, 03:57 AM
peacock peacock is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 176

How Should I Bring My Guman Thong Into the House?

When first bring our Guman Thong into the house we should place him in a suitable location and spend sometime introducing him the new environment in a loving voice. We should feed our Guman Thong just the same way we would with any children. We should also worship Guman Thong with flowers and by lighting incense sticks. It is said that Guman Thong likes the scents of roses probably due to red colour.

Where Should I Place my Guman Thong?

You should place your Guman Thong on a shelf, but not too high. Do not place him under the stairs, at the end of your bed, or on the same alter with other Buddha images. Guman Thong should always be placed on a shelf lower than Buddha or any other monk?s buchas.

In What Direction Should Guman Thong sitting direction face?

You should not turn your Guman Thong to face West direction.

How Often Should I Feed My Guman Thong and When?

Ideally you should feed your Guman Thong on a daily basis in the morning before anyone in the household have their breakfast. After cooking separate a portion of the food and place in front of him. The proper way when giving food to him you should call out his name to come and receive the food. In today?s busy working life, we can?t even cook breakfast for ourselves not to mention about cooking for Guman Thong. But you can always share with him your bread, sandwich or biscuits that you would usually bring to office. You can also bring him candies too.

Inviting your Guman Thong to eat will please him immeasurably and in return he will bring you good luck. Don?t forget to offer red colour syrup drinks e.g. Ribena or a glass of plain water. You may also offer him daily milk too. A Guman Thong owner previously shared his experience about offering packet milks. He reported that it?s amazing to note that there?s not even a single ant near his Guman Thong surrounding.

Alternatively you can tell your Guman Thong a scheduled time that you will feed him and replace his food, sweets and beverage once every 2 or 3 days. Likewise, if you intend to go outstation you can tell him where you are going and when you are coming back so that he can protect you. Tell him to help himself and be good during your absence.

Are There Any Specific Incantations Used When Giving or Taking Away Food?

Yes there are. You can use this incantation when inviting your Guman Thong to eat by saying:
?Mama bari pu cha chan-du jam maha poota a-kunchaiya a-kunchaimi ae-himama mama?.

When removing food away it is also good to pardon yourself by placing your hands together in respect and say:
?Ugasa Ugasa, Pahwan Dtu Mae?

How Should Other Children In The House Address Guman Thong?

Other children in the house are naturally inquisitive and they must understand that your Guman Thong is not a toy. The children must learn to address your Guman Thong as ?Pee? (brother) or by his name if been given by the monk or temple.
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Old 04-15-2012, 03:59 AM
peacock peacock is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 176

Should I Buy Gifts?

If your Guman Thong supports you to be successful and protecting you or you prosper as a result of him joining your family then you can show your appreciation by purchasing small gifts such as necklaces and toys. You can also buy him nice clothings or body cloak as this warm gifts demonstrate how thoughtful you are as his parent benefactor. He would appreciate this effort just like any other young children.

Will My Guman Thong Misbehave?

Guman Thong are children and as such there is the tendency to misbehave at certain times or interfere with other children in the house. You need to be firm and tell your Guman Thong what is acceptable and what is not. Always recite the Katha or incantation before giving advice to him.

How to free Guman Thong?

If Guman Thong?s owner feels that he is wealthy enough and no longer want to keep him in the house because you have lost your sense of possession with him, he makes you fear, or people in your family cannot find comfort in his presence, there is a way to free Guman Thong so he could reborn in the next life. You have to talk to him nicely as you always do, and ask him to leave politely in this way: ?Guman Thong, now your time has come. Please leave me and reborn in the next life. I wish you would reborn in a better world where you won?t face suffering like I do in this world. I love you so I tell you all this?.

After that you bury him in the ground, throw some flowers as a mark of congratulation, and say: ?Your solid body would turn to dust, sooner or later. Your mother and father have buried your body to send you to the better world. But, before you leave, please receive the Five Precepts, 1) do not kill, 2) do not steal, 3) do not commit adultery, 4) do not tell a lie, and 5) stay away from liquor. May you please receive these Five Precepts from your parents, and we will make a merit for you.? In the next morning you should go to make a merit for Guman Thong for he will reborn as an angle in the next life.

How Do I Know That My Guman Thong Has Been Reborn?

The more merits that you dedicate to your Guman Thong, the better his chances to be reborn in the higher realm. He may be reborn as a human but will keep a distance away from black magic. You will observe that there is no sound of walking or running in your house or no whispering at your ears anymore. Moreover, your heart should feel happy and light with a sense of detachment from your Guman Thong. You will feel that your duty as an owner had been accomplished with the merits you helped him to accumulate during his stay with you enabling him to be reborn into the higher realm.
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